Sunday Morning Worship Service - 10:30 AM   |   Wednesday Night Services - 6:30 PM

For over 30 years, Love in Deed has been serving the community and loving people into relationship with Jesus Christ. We are currently serving 11,000 pounds of food each week—a miraculous increase from the early days of filling up the back of Pastor Kerry’s pickup—and the Lord has strengthened our desire to help more folks. In today’s broken and hurting world, we will continue to show Christ’s love to the community by helping to provide physical sustenance and compassionate support. As the need is growing, so must our facility.

C O M M U N I T Y  I M P A C T

  • On average, 11,000 pounds of food is given weekly
  • Helps more than 5,000 families annually
  • Given more than 3 million pounds of groceries in the past 6 years
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As a business in Smith County, we need your help! Would you please prayerfully consider partnering with us in our mission to take care of those in need in our community? As a partner, TFC will acknowledge and thank your business in various ways.

H E R E ’ S  W H A T  P E O P L E  A R E  S A Y I N G  A B O U T  O U R  L O V E  I N D E E D  M I N I S T R Y 

“The fresh fruit and vegetables help us get through the week.”
“You prayed with me when I had a colon cancer scare and you hugged me and cried tears of joy when my diagnosis was not cancerous!”
“The diapers and wipes were truly a blessing that helped us so much.”
“We have milk and eggs this week!!! I’ve prayed for these!!!”
“I would not make it through the week without the kindness and the food we get. the meat is always a treat that we can’t go without.”
“I would not make it through the week without the kindness and the food we get. the meat is always a treat that we can’t go without.”
“Every week it’s like opening a gift. We never know what we will get in the bags!”

Monthly Sponsorships

Sponsor Investment: $3,500.00

  • Business name scrolling on the church’s electronic sign for the month (30,000
    vehicles pass by daily)
  • Able to place a flyer/giveaway in each bag of groceries given out that month
  • Featured on the Love in Deed website for the month
  • Marketed at our annual event
  • Opportunity to have their company join in the food distribution that month

A N N U A L  S P O N S O R S H I P

Platinum Investment: $25,000.00

  • Business name scrolling on the church’s electronic sign for the year (30,000 vehicles pass by daily)
  • Sponsor name on the donation wall in large font on the Love in Deed building Featured on the
  • Love in Deed website for the year
  • Able to place a flyer in each bag of groceries given out the first week of the month
  • Marketed at our annual event

Gold Investment: $10,000.00

  • Name on the donation wall in small font on the Love in Deed building
  • Recognized on the Love in Deed website for the year
  • Marketed at our annual event

Silver Investment: $5,000.00

  • The Sponsor will be recognized on the Love in Deed website for the year
  • Marketed at our annual event

T A K I N G  T H E  N E X T  S T E P

Ways to Give

  • Visit us online & select Love in Deed in the drop-down selection

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  • Make Checks Payable to Trinity Fellowship Church in the memo line place Love in Deed. Mail to:

    Trinity Fellowship Church
    10344 Hwy 31 E
    Tyler, TX 75705

If your business is interested in hosting a Love in Deed luncheon, we would be thrilled to come and give a short 10-minute presentation. The presentation includes a video that shares how we help those in our community. This would give your employees an opportunity to join forces with us and help us feed even more families in Tyler, Texas.

Contact: Duane Hett • (903) 566-4226 •